Enterprise Architecture
Architecture Governance
According to TOGAF framework, "architecture governance is the practice
and orientation by which enterprise architecture and other architectures are managed and controlled at the enterprise-wide level."
We include following activities in setting up an architecture governance process:
- Establish an architecture board, representatives from senior executives and senior manager (Business & IT), responsible to achieve following goals:
- Consistency between sub architecture
- Identifying reusable components
- Flexibility of enterprise architecture
- Enforcement of architecture compliance
- Ensuring that the discipline of architecture based development is adopted
- Development and adoption of architecture governance framework - A governance framework is required to ensure that each architectural discipline (business, information, technology)
deliver real and tangible results and to manage the risk.
- Develop processes (architecture review, compliance, retirement, dispensation) to manage architecture life cycle.
- Development of architecture principles
Case study- Architecture Governance
Enterprise Steward developed an architecture governance and enterprise architecture program for Noteworthy Industries Inc.
A power point presentation is available here.